Monday, March 16, 2009

She's Home! She's Home!

Saturday was a fabulous day! My Baby finally came home. Here she is - isn't she gorgeous??? She's Redhot Sunglo (metalflake red) with tons of chrome! I am blessed beyond measure.

If you look back to my post of March 9th (The Mouse Will Play), at the very bottom I told you that Pearl had left our family, but that "someone else" was joining us! Well, this is what I was talking about!

Eric rode my Dyna Low Rider (Pearl) to the dealership a couple of weeks ago so they could get her ready to be resold. My Baby wasn't ready to come home yet so we had to wait; but each time I passed through the city of the dealership, I'd stop to see her. The dealership employees were very gracious and got her out for me to sit on and drool over each time I stopped. (It's pretty bad when all of the employees at the dealership know you by your first name because you're in there so often. Some even have us on speed dial!).

When Saturday came and the temperature was "reasonable," my wonderful hubby hopped on his bike and rode it to the dealership where he would leave it to have some "muscle work" done to the engine plus a chrome job. He was then able to ride My Baby home to me, though he couldn't resist taking the long way home just to see how she handled! He's impressed!

I about flipped when I heard him first, then saw him pull around the corner! I donned my chaps, jacket, helmet & gloves and took her out for a ride! Ahhh, yes...heaven again. I just love to ride! If you haven't tried it, might I encourage you? There's nothing quite like seeing God's country from the saddle of a bike! The wind in your hair, the open road in front of you, and the bugs in your teeth (from smiling so much!) together are the perfect prescription for a fabulous, no-stress day.

My hubby has a I bumper sticker that reads, "You never see a motorcycle parked at a psychiatrist's office." I have to agree! Riding is good for what ails ya!

Eric and I both have a collection of Harley t-shirts from various dealerships we've visited. (His far outweighs mine by 300% at least!). As expected, he brought me one home from Orlando Harley, one of the largest (if not THE largest) dealerships in America. It says, "Live Free. Ride Hard." And I am!

I'm a pastor's wife and mother of six, and I ride a Harley! Life is indeed good!


Roxy said...

She sure is purty. And it felt great sitting on her yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks awesome! How fun riding it.:)
Hugs, Vanja

Anne said...

She's beautiful! Just about biking weather here, hubby is going to get his Triumph out soon I think...

Debby said...

Gorgeous is not the word! Holy Cow! You lucky lucky lucky lucky girl. I don't drive I'm just a passenger and I enjoy but I bet riding this beauty is like being next to god. (hope that was okay to say)