Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wylde Woman Award!

How awesome is this? I'm an official "Wylde Woman!!!" Actually, I've known this for some time, just spelled it a little different is all. What a blessing to be given such an awesome award from my fellow DC-walker friend, Rox. From what I understand the award is given to someone who:
1. Brightens your day
2. Teaches you new things
3. And lives their lives fully with generosity and joy
I am so glad she honored me this fine day! You can honor someone too if you want! Just follow these guidelines:
1. You may give the award to any number of women, just remember the purpose of the award.
2. Make sure you give a link to their blog.
3. Also link back to Tammy so she can visit the blogs of the wonderful women you choose.
Hmmm, there's so many neat people I know. But I think I want to honor Debby with the Wylde Woman Award for she's the one that taught me how to link people's addresses under their names! Thanks Deb! As you say, "Easy Peasy!"


Debby said...

You're a sweetie. Thank you. I'm glad you figured out the linkie stuff. I have been enjoying your pics of the walk on your blog and your friends blog. Sounds like you had a great time and it was definately for a good cause. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

TammyVitale said...

Congratulations on the award and thanks for passing it along!

Janet said...

Congrats on the award:) You picked a great person to give it to as well:)